Rubriik: News

  • CodeRefinery töötuba märts 25 – 27, aprill 01 – 03, 2025

    CodeRefinery töötuba märts 25 – 27, aprill 01 – 03, 2025

    Kas kirjutad koodi oma teadustöö jaoks? Sellisel juhul võib CodeRefinery töötuba olla just sinu jaoks.

    Osale veebipõhisel CodeRefinery töötoal, mis toimub kuuel päeval: 25.–27. märts ja 1.–3. aprill 2025 kell 09:00–13:30 CET.

    Töötuba aitab teadlastel sõltumata valdkonnast, kogemusest ja programmeerimiskeelest muuta oma kood reprodutseeritavamaks.

    Töötuba on tasuta ning toimub veebis (otseülekanne Twitchis) koos praktiliste sessioonidega esimesel nädalal. Mõnes asukohas toimuvad ka kohapealsed üritused ning soovi korral on võimalik osaleda oma klassiruumiga (huvi korral palume ühendust võtta).

    Lisainfo ja registreerimine: CodeRefinery workshop site

    Küsimuste korral kirjutage:

    Info ja registreerimine

  • LUMI Intensive: põhjalik sissejuhatav kursus ja edasijõudnute töötuba 03.-07.03.2025

    LUMI Intensive: põhjalik sissejuhatav kursus ja edasijõudnute töötuba 03.-07.03.2025

    Liitu meiega intensiivsel viiepäevasel kursusel, mis täiustab sinu teadmisi ja oskusi LUMI superarvuti kasutamisel. Kursus on jaotatud kaheks osaks: kahepävane sissejuhatav osa, millele järgneb kolmepäevane edasijõudnute töötuba. Osalejatel on võimalus registreeruda ka ainult kolmepäevasele edasijõudnute kursusele, kui nad on sissejuhatava materjaliga juba kursis.

    Date: 3.-7.3.2025

    Location: Stockholm, Sweden + Streaming

    Registration options

    • Full Course (5 Days): Ideal for those seeking a complete understanding of LUMI, from basics to advanced techniques.
    • Advanced Workshop Only (3 Days): Suitable for participants who have already completed the introductory course or possess equivalent knowledge. (On-site attendance highly recommended as only the lectures but not the exercises will be streamed)
    • Introductory part only (2 Days) – online only: For users who only need our introductory training. As we don’t want to take seats away from users taking the full course, there is no possibility to participate on-site for just the first two days. Note though that only written questions can be asked by online participants as the lecturers focus on interaction with the participants in the course room.

    Learning Outcomes

    After completing the full course, participants will be able to:

    • Connect to LUMI and transfer data efficiently.
    • Understand LUMI’s hardware and compile software effectively.
    • Utilize the module system and EasyBuild for software management.
    • Submit and manage jobs with Slurm, including job arrays and GPU/CPU binding.
    • Identify and mitigate I/O bottlenecks in the LUSTRE file system.
    • Create Python environments and run containers on LUMI.
    • Write job scripts for optimal performance, including efficient GPU binding.
    • Compile programs using the Cray Programming Environment efficiently.
    • Profile applications to understand performance bottlenecks.
    • Use parallel debuggers to solve problems in MPI applications.

  • LUMI sissejuhatav kursus 11.-12. detsembril 2024

    LUMI sissejuhatav kursus 11.-12. detsembril 2024

    LUMI sissejuhatav kursus 11.–12. detsembril 2024. Kursus on suunatud kõigile, kes soovivad õppida, kuidas lahendada väga suuri arvutusressursse vajavaid ülesandeid, eriti neile, kel on plaanis tulevikus kasutada LUMI superarvutit.

    In this training you will:

    • connect to LUMI and transfer data from and to the cluster
    • understand LUMI’s hardware and effectively compile software on it
    • utilize the module system and EasyBuild for software management
    • submit and manage jobs with Slurm, including the use of job arrays and GPU/CPU binding
    • identify and mitigate I/O bottlenecks in the LUSTRE file system
    • create Python environments and run containers on LUMI

    The course is intended for users that have taken a previous general HPC introduction course or already have experience with computing on HPC clusters.

    Registration remains open until 4.12. 16:00 EET

  • Andmeteaduse seminar “Driving Innovation with High-Performance Computing” 26. novembril!

    Andmeteaduse seminar “Driving Innovation with High-Performance Computing” 26. novembril!

    Superarvutid võimaldavad teadlastel kiiresti lahendada kõige keerukamaid väljakutseid ja uurida valdkondi, kus katsete läbiviimine ei ole isegi mõeldav. Edukad ettevõtted kasutavad superarvuteid uuenduslikeks teadus- ja arendustegevusteks, kulude vähendamiseks ja konkurentsieelise saavutamiseks.

    High-performance computing allows researchers to solve the most complex challenges quickly and even explore areas where experiments are unthinkable. Successful companies apply supercomputers for innovative R&D activities, cost reduction, and competitive advantage.

    At the seminar, we will hear inspiring presentations about how experts in various fields use supercomputers and what benefits they can get from it.

    Seminar programme:

    • 16.15 – 16:25 Opening remarks by Ivar Koppel, Head of High-Performance Computing Centre, Institute of Computer Science & Leading partner of Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure ETAIS, “ETAIS: Pioneering the Future of Technology and Innovation”
    •  16.25 – 16.50 Rainer Turner, IT Architect of Bürokratt, Estonian Information System Authority
    •  16.50 – 17.15 Priit Paluoja, Head of Data Management of Celvia CC AS, “Honey bulk DNA metagenomic analysis using University of Tartu High-Performance Computing Centre”
    •  17.15 – 17.40 Alena Kushniarevich, Researcher of University of Tartu Institute of Genomics Estonian Biocentre, “Interdisciplinary studies of human past: a genomic data perspective”
    •  17.40 – 18.00 Coffee break
    •  18.00 – 18.25 Taido Purason, Junior Research Fellow of University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science, “Training and Applying LLMs on LUMI Supercomputer”
    •  18:25 – 18:50 Hardi Hakk, Head of Aerodynamics, Formula Student Team, “HPC usage in engineering practices for Formula Student”
    •  18.50 Networking

  • Osalemine Nordic-Baltic Security Summit’il

    Osalemine Nordic-Baltic Security Summit’il

    Socceri projektimeeskonnal oli hiljuti võimalus osaleda Nordic-Baltic Security Summit’il, mis on küberjulgeoleku valdkonna tippsündmus. Tippkohtumine tõi kokku eksperdid, tööstusjuhid ja võtmeisikud Põhja- ja Baltimaadest, et arutada olulisi küberjulgeoleku väljakutseid ja uusi suundi.

    • The Soccer project team recently had the privilege of participating in the Nordic-Baltic Security Summit, a premier event in the field of cybersecurity. The summit brought together experts, industry leaders, and key stakeholders from across the Nordic and Baltic regions to discuss pressing cybersecurity challenges and emerging trends.
    • During the summit, our team engaged in a series of insightful panels and presentations. These sessions provided a deep dive into the current state of cybersecurity within the Nordic and Baltic countries. Topics ranged from threat intelligence and digital resilience to policy frameworks aimed at strengthening regional cyber defence. By attending, we gained valuable insights about the latest cybersecurity strategies, threat landscapes, and collaborative efforts shaping the future of digital security in these regions.
    • Our participation was not only an opportunity for learning but also for sharing the vision of the Soccer project. We had the chance to introduce our project to various companies and individuals attending the summit. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing strong interest in our approach to tackling cybersecurity challenges. This interaction highlighted the growing recognition of Soccer as a key player in the cybersecurity domain, further motivating us to continue our efforts to advance the project.

  • EuroHPC kasutajapäev 2024

    EuroHPC kasutajapäev 2024

    EuroHPC kutsub teid osalema teisel EuroHPC kasutajapäeval, mis toimub Amsterdamis 22.–23. oktoobril 2024.

    The event will provide supercomputing users in Europe with the chance to explore various topics and enhance their understanding of the opportunities provided by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and the support available to users.

    Attendees will be able to showcase EuroHPC projects that have used European HPC supercomputing resources, share best practices in the development of these projects, gather feedback from EuroHPC users and engage with potential new users.

    The event will take place at the Eye Film Museum, in Amsterdam. It will start on Tuesday 22 October in the morning with a plenary session, followed by parallel sessions in the afternoon. On the second day, the morning will start with a plenary session and parallel sessions, concluding the event at noon of Wednesday 23 October 2024.