Liitu meiega intensiivsel viiepäevasel kursusel, mis täiustab sinu teadmisi ja oskusi LUMI superarvuti kasutamisel. Kursus on jaotatud kaheks osaks: kahepävane sissejuhatav osa, millele järgneb kolmepäevane edasijõudnute töötuba. Osalejatel on võimalus registreeruda ka ainult kolmepäevasele edasijõudnute kursusele, kui nad on sissejuhatava materjaliga juba kursis.

Date: 3.-7.3.2025

Location: Stockholm, Sweden + Streaming

Registration options

  • Full Course (5 Days): Ideal for those seeking a complete understanding of LUMI, from basics to advanced techniques.
  • Advanced Workshop Only (3 Days): Suitable for participants who have already completed the introductory course or possess equivalent knowledge. (On-site attendance highly recommended as only the lectures but not the exercises will be streamed)
  • Introductory part only (2 Days) – online only: For users who only need our introductory training. As we don’t want to take seats away from users taking the full course, there is no possibility to participate on-site for just the first two days. Note though that only written questions can be asked by online participants as the lecturers focus on interaction with the participants in the course room.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the full course, participants will be able to:

  • Connect to LUMI and transfer data efficiently.
  • Understand LUMI’s hardware and compile software effectively.
  • Utilize the module system and EasyBuild for software management.
  • Submit and manage jobs with Slurm, including job arrays and GPU/CPU binding.
  • Identify and mitigate I/O bottlenecks in the LUSTRE file system.
  • Create Python environments and run containers on LUMI.
  • Write job scripts for optimal performance, including efficient GPU binding.
  • Compile programs using the Cray Programming Environment efficiently.
  • Profile applications to understand performance bottlenecks.
  • Use parallel debuggers to solve problems in MPI applications.