LUMI sissejuhatav kursus 11.–12. detsembril 2024. Kursus on suunatud kõigile, kes soovivad õppida, kuidas lahendada väga suuri arvutusressursse vajavaid ülesandeid, eriti neile, kel on plaanis tulevikus kasutada LUMI superarvutit.

In this training you will:

  • connect to LUMI and transfer data from and to the cluster
  • understand LUMI’s hardware and effectively compile software on it
  • utilize the module system and EasyBuild for software management
  • submit and manage jobs with Slurm, including the use of job arrays and GPU/CPU binding
  • identify and mitigate I/O bottlenecks in the LUSTRE file system
  • create Python environments and run containers on LUMI

The course is intended for users that have taken a previous general HPC introduction course or already have experience with computing on HPC clusters.

Registration remains open until 4.12. 16:00 EET